Ideas for your Club!

Verify Our Claims with Testimonials and a Product Comparison For Starters...

Go to any of our Empowerment 1,2 3 websites and check out the Testimonials and Product Comparison Details. If you are still unsure, find a Bookkeeper or CPA who is not wed to Quickbooks and Intuit and ask them what they see. In addition and/or alternatively, find a Small Business Person who has been bound by Quickbooks and ask them what they see, and you will find they all need to be set free.

Empowerment for the End User
in YOU!

Empowerment for Coaches, Consultants & Educators

Suggestions for Free or Fee Based Services your Community Needs Most...

  1. A Stationary or Mobile Computer Lab with Chromebooks and/or other simple Unix Machines (traditional computers, laptops, mini computers all with multiple monitors) - Every Community needs 5 to 20 Unix based machines with an extra monitor for each workstation. We have Silicon Valley experienced Hardware designers investigating minimum needs for low cost mini-computers with Chrome O/S installed. We hope to have something to offer or recommend in the next 12 to 24 months that does not exist today. Until then you can buy old computers off lease and convert them or buy new Chromebooks with an understanding you need to test them for performance before deciding to keep them after purchase. There were some industry wide product dogs in the Chromebook realm released in 2019 that were only good as $200-400 paper weights.

  2. Chromebooks and Chrome O/S Education - There is some decent curriculum for that found at The eventual goal is to create a multi-os unix literate populous.

  3. Introduction to Spreadsheets (with Google Sheets) - Use and some of ZAP Accounting Templates for working demos.

  4. Advanced Spreadsheet Education - Use all of ZAP's Accounting Templates for course material.

Small Business Education that everyone Needs in High School in order to become an active and engaged Member in a Commercially Conscious Community

  1. Google Suite Configuration for Small Businesses - This is often times 15-25 hours of educational work and setup .This is not required for ZAP Bookkeeping Module but a few components are suggested for a better experience. Good curriculum outline found here

  2. ZAP Accounting Template Setup - We offer over 20 Templates for Accounting. All Businesses should have several in place before going for the Bookkeeping Module.

  3. Basic Bookkeeping Education Courses - This may not sound Technology Club worthy, but when you see how we teach it procedurally, with the Software at the core of the Educational Material, this will make more sense. Also, you'll need to know how to do it to be a valuable resource for software support too.

  4. ZAP Bookkeeping Module Basic Education Courses - You could offer these for free or for fees up to $199 or so we'd imagine.

  5. ZAP Bookkeeping Module Installation and Setup Support - You could offer these for for free or for fees up to $500 or so, we'd imagine depending on the services and follow-up offered.

  6. ZAP Bookkeeping Module Advanced Use and Customization - You could offer these for for free or for fees up to $500 or so, we'd imagine depending on the services and follow-up offered.

  7. ZAP Bookkeeping Module Designer Level Curriculum- You could offer these for for free or for fees up to $500 or so, we'd imagine depending on the services and follow-up offered.

And this is just the Beginning...

Start a mini or micro chapter of one of our Club Suggestions within your own group or with others and a common interest.
Here's to Clubs of Good Fortune.